In our efforts to reimagine the Trojan War through the lens of history as well as mythology, we are indebted to several scholars whose research brought the Bronze Age to life and convinced us that a city like Troy likely existed. To learn more about this fascinating topic, as well as the history of ancient Anatolia and the wider landscape of the late Bronze Age collapse, we recommend the following sources:
The Modern Scholar: Archaeology and the Iliad by Eric Cline
The Trojan War in Homer and History lectures by Eric Cline
Celebrating Homer’s Landscapes: Troy and Ithaca Revisited by J.V. Luce
The Trojan War: A New History by Barry Strauss
In Search of the Trojan War by Michael Wood
Manfred Hutter’s chapter on “Aspects of Luwian Religion” from The Luwians, edited by H. Craig Melchert.